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Back-to-School Organisation Tips for a Smooth Transition

As the long summer days start to ease off ever so slightly in a few weeks in the desert, the inevitable back-to-school season quickly approaches. It can often feel like a whirlwind of activities, from school supplies shopping to orientation days. To help ease the transition, here are some essential organisation tips that will set you and your family up for success as the new school year begins.

1. Create a Central Command Center:

A family command center is a great way to keep track of everyone's schedules, assignments, and tasks all in one place. Use a whiteboard or corkboard to pin up important dates, school calendars, and weekly family schedules. Adding a few hooks or pockets for each family member can also keep personal items like keys and backpacks organised.

2. Declutter and Refresh:

Before diving into shopping for new school supplies, take the time to declutter existing items to see what can still be used. Go through closets to donate clothes that no longer fit and clear out old papers and notebooks. A refreshed space will create a more welcoming environment for the new challenges and opportunities the school year brings.

3. Plan Ahead with a Supplies Checklist:

Compile a checklist of all necessary school supplies by checking school websites for recommended items. Involve your children in this process to teach them responsibility and ensure they feel prepared. Shopping early not only helps avoid the last-minute rush but also ensures you have time to find eco-friendly or budget-friendly options.

4. Establish a Homework Routine:

Designate a specific area at home as the “homework zone.” This space should be quiet and well-lit, with essential study tools readily available. Establish a regular homework schedule that fits your child’s natural rhythm, allowing time for breaks and extracurricular activities. Creating a consistent routine helps children develop good study habits and time management skills.

5. Get Everyone on a Sleep Schedule:

Transitioning from a summer sleep schedule to a school-year schedule can be tough. Begin adjusting bedtime and wake-up times a few weeks before school starts to ease into the new routine. Adequate sleep is crucial for children to function optimally during school hours, impacting everything from concentration to mood.

6. Meal Prep for Success:

Preparing meals in advance can save precious time during hectic school mornings. Plan weekly menus, prep lunches the night before, and consider easy grab-and-go breakfast options. Involving kids in meal prep can also teach them valuable life skills and make them more enthusiastic about their meals.

7. Involve Kids in Planning:

Finally, involve your kids in planning for the school year. Encourage them to set their own academic and personal goals, and discuss how they plan to achieve them. This not only empowers them but also makes them more invested in their educational journey.
By implementing these organization strategies, back-to-school season doesn’t have to be stressful. With a little preparation and teamwork, your family can look forward to a successful and productive school year.